During the final event of wISHfUl project, it was presented the output Interregional healthcare tourist network. In this news the definition of the parameters that characterize the touristic and medical structures in Montenegro and Albania, which have been profiled based on their characteristics and services, will be presented.
For MNE, the first step was to identify the most adequate pathology/medical condition for further consideration in development of healthcare tourism in Montenegro. Academic professionals from the medicine sector were assigned to perform in depth analysis of the medical system in Montenegro and build a proposal for the chronical pathologies that can be/are serviced in Montenegro regarding the tourism sector. The produced study was the basis for the creation of the touristic-medical tours. Simultaneously, the touristic and medical structures in Montenegro were analysed in order to test the functionality of the future healthcare and tourism synergies.
In case of selected pathology, the territory of Montenegro was divided into northern and southern region, both offering different types of tourism related resources and healthcare facilities. This has set the stage for implementation of the following activities related to identification and mapping of concrete Points Of Interest. Data for a total of 105 POI have been collected in Montenegro. The complete database with the annexes has been populated on the platform in collaboration with the Lead Partner. The developed routes combine the mentioned POI in accordance with the different themes, e.g.: history, nature, cultural sights, gastronomy, rural tourism etc.
For AL, data about natural resources, cultural and historical monuments, accommodation facilities and healthcare structures has been collected and analysed. This collection was done through interviews, focus group discussions and stakeholders’ (Regional Council of Elbasan Protecting Area Agency, Directorate of Cultural monument, Directorate of Public Health, Hospitals and Health Centres, Touristic Information office in Municipalities) consultations. Data for a total of 63 POI have been collected (28 PoI for health structures, 14 PoI for cultural monuments, 11 PoI for natural monuments, 10 PoI for touristic accommodation). The experts work on georeferenced of the touristic maps of Elbasan region and populated the data in GIS software with relevant information of area’s POI.
GIS map of Elbasan region implemented information for: natural resources, cultural monuments, health care structure and other GIS information (Roads, villages, rivers, protecting area, borders, etc.). The GIS maps and information were shared with tourism specialists of Municipalities and Regional council. Target group of private sectors such as tour operators, enterprises, and SME are using the data and information.
You can access the platform at the following link: https://wishful.eu/