On April 28, an Online Meeting with all the partners of wISHfUl (Ict for Smart Healthcare toUrism) has been organized, for the presentation of the Web Platform, linked to the WPT2, developed by University of Salento and Municipality of Maglie. The entire parthership has contributed to populate the platform through the data collected. During this meeting, the Italian Technical Team showed the wISHfUl innovative cross-border platform which can integrate cross-Regional touristic places and health services across the Region, effectively creating a collaboration network of services providers.
This platform is an innovative instrument that supports smart and accessible tourism, especially tourists with specific needs (chronic patients and people with disabilities). The platform, in fact, can provide facilitated access and tailored solutions based on the needs and expectations of the tourists with specific needs, thus increasing the accessibility of the touristic offer. By rendering the natural and cultural assets more accessible and integrated, the platform can improve their attractiveness. Also, the platform can empower users’ feedback and the possibility to add other touristic destinations, always tailored with the specifical needs of the patients. The platform can also, in time, stablish a brand reputation to the touristic offer in the Programme Area.
Here a Photogallery of the call.
The main results expected from the wISHfUl project are to create a coherent system of accessible tourist offer inside the Programme Area, enhanced by the local medical support, and raise awareness of the importance and the potential enclosed in the enhancement of this tourist sector.